Participation in the 86th Meeting of the Hungarian Physiological Society


   The 86th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Physiological Society (MÉT) and the annual conference of the Hungarian Society for Microcirculation and Vascular Biology (MMVBT) were held in Debrecen, Hungary, between 29-31 May, 2024. The Department was represented at the conference by Dr. Ákos Menyhárt, Dr. Péter Archibald Szarvas, Petra Somogyi and Prof. Eszter Farkas from the HCEMM-USZ Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Research Group. Among the presentations of the Youth Section, Petra Somogyi's presentation was awarded a special prize. Congratulations to the award-winning speaker! Prof. Eszter Farkas was elected President of the MMVBT at the MMVBT's General Assembly. Congratulations!