Participation at the “Neuro-vascular function in health and disease” advanced training course


   The CAJAL Advanced Neuroscience Training Programme (founded by FENS and IBRO) organizes the next course on “Neuro-vascular function in health and disease” between 20 March - 7 April 2023, at the Bordeaux School of Neuroscience, Bordeaux, France. Dr. Réka Tóth, a PhD student at our Department has been selected as a trainee at the prestigious course, with the support of the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds Travel Grants. Dr. Réka Tóth is supervised by Dr. Ákos Menyhárt and Dr. Eszter Farkas at the HCEMM-USZ Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Research Group. Congratulations for the achievement!