Research competition essay prize

rita szab

The competition essay submitted by our colleague Rita Frank, PhD to the 2021 joint call of the “Fund for Science in the Southern Great Plain” and the University of Szeged has been awarded Third Prize. The prize award ceremony was held on November 25, 2021 at the Headquarter of the Szeged Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Congratulations for the achievement!

The PhD defense of Karolina Fábián-Dulka

FDK vedes

Our colleague, Karolina Fábián-Dulka, former postgraduate student of the Neuroscience program of the Doctoral School of Theoretical Medicine has defended her PhD dissertation titled Epigenetic consequences of in utero exposure to rosuvastatin include altered histone methylation patterns in newborn rat brains with summa cum laude. Her thesis supervisor was Prof. Dr. Károly Gulya, DSc. Congratulations for the promotion!

Congratulations to team HvN3rQ!


Armand Rafael Bálint (SZTE Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine), Szabolcs István Antal (SZTE Department of Radiology) and Imre Gera (SZTE Institute of Informatics) PhD students have participated in European Healthcare Hackathon held on 19-21 November 2021 in Prague, Czech Republic. They have been awarded the Edwards Lifesciences Award for the project "Temporal Convolutional Network for AS detection" . The Closing ceremony is available online.

Attendance at the International Astrocyte School 2021

IAS rita 2021

Rita Frank, a member of the HCEMM-USZ Cerebral Bloof Flow and Metabolism Research Group have attended the annual International Astrocyte School - usually held in Bertinoro, Italy - organized this year online on November 24-26, 2021. The International Astrocyte School is aimed at those who are attracted by the most intriguing hypotheses on the role of astrocytes and other glial cells in brain function and dysfunction.

Students’ achievements at the Medical School’s 2021 Student Science Study Group Conference

TDK eredmenyhirdetes

The Student Science Study Group associated undergraduate students of the Department have given five lectures at the Szent-Györgyi Albert Medical School’s 2021 Student Science Study Group Conference. One of the presentations has won a First Prize, two presentations have been awarded Second Prizes, and an additional presentation received a Third Prize. Congratulations to the students and their supervisors!