Grant support


   The HCEMM-USZ Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism Research Group in collaboration with the Neurovascular Unit Research Group of the Biological Research Centre, Szeged, has been awarded a collaboration grant for three years. The funding is provided by the Research Fund of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, University of Szeged. The two research groups have won support to conduct novel and exciting joint research in the field of the pathophysiology and therapy of ischemic stroke.

Students’ achievements at the Medical School’s 2022 Student Science Study Group Conference


   The Student Science Study Group associated undergraduate students of the Department have given five lectures at the Szent-Györgyi Albert Medical School’s 2022 Student Science Study Group Conference. Two of the presentations have won Second Prizes and one presentation has been awarded a Third Prize. Congratulations to the students and their supervisors!

Honorary Titles and Degrees Were Awarded on the Day of the University


   A celebratory Session of the Senate was held on November 12th, 2022 to mark the Day of the University at the University of Szeged. During the celebratory Session of the Senate, recognition awards were given. Dr. Eszter Farkas, the head of our Department received a „Researcher of the year award” in the category of Life Sciences. Congratulations for the achievement!

Thesis defense


   Noémi Lajkó, a former postgraduate student of the Neuroscience program of the Doctoral School of Theoretical Medicine has defended her PhD dissertation titled Kynurenic acid and its analog SZR104 exhibit strong antiinflammatory effects and alter the intracellular distribution and methylation patterns of H3 histones in immunochallenged microglia-enriched cultures of newborn rat brains on November 18th, 2022. Her thesis supervisor was Prof. Dr. Károly Gulya, DSc. Congratulations for the promotion!

György Romhányi Conference awards


   The first György Romhányi Conference organized by the György Romhányi College of the University of Pécs Medical School was held between November 4-6, 2022. College members of the four Hungarian medical schools, as well as of Marosvásárhely, Romania and Bratislava, Slovakia were invited. Our Department was represented by Dr. Armand Rafael Bálint, PhD student and Péter Archibald Szarvas, medical student. Péter Archibald Szarvas was awarded third prize for his presentation in his section, and received the Hungary Chapter special award of the Hungarian Medical Association of America. His supervisor has been Dr. Rita Frank assistant professor. Congratulations for the achievement!